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Why join my community to RedCLARA?

RedCLARA provides a free virtual collaboration environment for all research communities in Latin America; this environment is called Colaboratorio, a web platform in which each member community has its own space for interaction. Through the tools and services offered in Colaboratorio you will be able to participate in discussions, forums and events with your own community and all the others which are part of RedCLARA, organise and participate in web conferences (VC Espresso), book multipoint rooms for H.323 conferences, transfer files of up to 10GB (eNVIO), receive information on funding sources for the implementation of projects and consolidate your network of contacts and professional partners.

Remember that in order to make use of the tools made available for you in Colaboratorio you have to register in the portal!

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects