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Community of Microorganisms, Agriculture and Food invites...

CursoThe Community of Microorganisms, Agriculture and Food of Peru invites to the V International Theoretical-Practical Course: Plant-Microbe Interaction Diversity and Biotechnological Applications: The event, which will be held from 19 to 22 July 2010, at the National University La Molina, is part of activities under the project COMCLARA 2010 for the development and promotion of research in Latin America, and is aimed at professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, technical and business workers related to the application of biological inoculants in different crops for clean and sustainable agriculture.

In order to develop the participants knowledge and skills in the use and interpretation of microbiological methods in water, food and soil, as well as good laboratory practices, to ensure their safety while minimizing public health risks, from 19 to 22 July 2010 will take place the ‘V International Theoretical-Practical Course: Plant-Microbe Interaction Diversity and Biotechnological Applications’ in the National University La Molina in Peru.

Curse1The course, organized by the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology Marino Tabusso and the Biofag network is aimed at professionals, undergraduate and postgraduate students, technicians and entrepreneurs related to the application of biological inoculants in different crops for clean and sustainable agriculture.

According to the presentation of the activities, available on the internet, employment and effective use of microorganisms as microbial fertilizers (inoculants) in agriculture is one of the key technologies to ensure sustainable management of this very important sector for the development of Peru.

Moreover, during the four days of development, the event will include in its agenda the participation of Dr. Juan Sanjuan, EEZ, CSIC, Spain, Dr. Marcia Toro, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dr. Galdino Andrade, University  Londrina, Brazil, and Dr. Nora Altier, INIA-Uruguay. Besides, different themes will be presented, including:
- Regulation of organic production in Peru.
- Economic impact of different inputs in agricultural production
- Molecular dialogue Rhizobium-legume.
- Interactions rhizosphere.
- Methodological approach to assess native strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas for their ability to suppress disease.
- Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and their interaction with beneficial microorganisms in agriculture.
- Diversity and taxonomy of Rhizobia No-establishing symbiosis with legume
With respect to practices, these take place on Thursday 22 and will be referred to the arbuscular mycorrhizal, bacterial molecular typing, real-time PCR, and automation.

Information and registration:

Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology Marino Tabusso
Avenida La Molina s / n - La Molina, Lima, Peru.
Phone: (51 1) 799 5788 or (51 1) 614 7800 Annex 274
Fax: (51 1) 349-6015
: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm

Suggested links:



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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