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Prep. Meeting for InfoDay FP7 call 2011 e-Infrastructures

FP7 The information session will take place on July 8 by videoconference and in the preparation conference for the meeting is expected to review and adjust the proposals of the members of CLARA according to the topics and the format required in the call.

On June11th, the European Community (EC) developed in Brussels an information session on the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) 2011 called in the field of e-Infrastructures. For details you can go to:

For researchers from CLARA member countries, the session will be virtually repeated, on Thursday, July 8, at 14 GMT. The transmission will last for two hours and will have the following format:
1) Welcome
2) Presentation of each of the themes of the call, in accordance with the list above.
3) Exhibitions (4 minutes each) of the Latin American participants via videoconference on RedCLARA.

As one of the problems about last year CLARA participants presentations was that several of them was not focused on the themes specified in the call, it was decided to carry out, on THURSDAY JUNE 24, at 14 GMT, a session of practice (also via video conference) of the meeting that will take place with the EC on 8 July. This session of practice, two weeks before the meeting with the EC, will allow correcting any deficiencies in the presentations of participants from CLARA. Furthermore, to make these presentations do not exceed the four minutes available to each presenter, and thus facilitate the moderation of the session ISABEL platform counter will be set. Each presentation will have a single slide, which should state clearly the problem to be address and the technical proposal to do so.

To select CLARA groups that will present their proposals at the meeting of July 8 (which also will participate in the session of practice of June 24) it is requested to take into account the subject of the call, in order to avoid the involvement of groups whose interests and work are focus in different topics.

According to the site of CORDIS, this year, the themes of the meeting and their respective coordinators in the EC are:
• INFRA-2011-1.2.1 - e-Science Environments: Enric Mitjana (Tel: +32 2 29 81 149)
• INFRA-2011-1.2.2 - Data Infrastructure for e-Science: Krystyna Marek (Tel: +32 2 29 58 988)
• INFRA-2011-2.3.5 - Second implementation phase of the European High Performance Computing (HPC) service PRACE: Bernhard Fabianek (Tel: +32 2 29 69 615)
• INFRA-2011-3.4 - Coordination actions, conferences and studies supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for e-infrastructures: Bernhard Fabianek (Tel: +32 2 29 69 615)
• INFRA-2011-3.5 - Trans-national cooperation among NCPs: Bernhard Fabianek (Tel: +32 2 29 69 615)

It is important to mention that Rocío Cos, Project Manager (Rocio.Cos @ can answer questions about the contents of the meeting. Besides, Claudia Cordova, Training Manager (Claudia.Cordova @ and Walter Munguia (Walter.Munguia @ will be responsible for the technical aspects of both sessions.

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