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ALICE2 and the 2nd generation of RedCLARA were launched

ALICE2A powerful network, an example of cooperation and, as a conclusion, a successful collaboration story, were the expressions that on May 14th the authorities of the project use to make the official launch of ALICE2 and the second generation of the RedCLARA network on the occasion of the Meeting of Science and Innovation Ministers of Spain. With the sounds of ancient instruments recovered by the ASTRA project thanks to GÉANT, EUMEDCONNECT and RedCLARA, was recreated a piece from the first musical work written in Latin America, to celebrate this milestone in the history of the advanced networks.


LanzamientoOn May 14th, on the occasion of the Meeting of Science and Innovation Ministers prior to the EU-LAC Summit (hold on May 18 in Madrid) and in the presence of the directors of all project partners, took place the official launch of ALICE2 (Latin America Interconnected with Europe, in Spanish) and the second generation of the RedCLARA network.

The programe included the participation of Mario Campolargo, Director of emerging technologies and infrastructure of the Information Society of the European Commission; Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of CLARA; and Martha Giraldo begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, President of the Board of Directors of CLARA.

“For the Commission, RedCLARA is a particulary good example of this cooperation between Europe and Latin America, ans specially for the Information Society Directorate, is is the most concrete and successful case of implementing the recommendations of previous Ministerial Fora on information Society for bridging the digital divide and establishing the related connectivity,” expressed Mario Campolargo in his speech.

Besides, Florencio Utreras, on his presentation “A Successful Collaboration Story”, made a short recapitulation of the project history and stated that it is expected that RedCLARA2, extend and enhance the work done by RedCLARA Identifying research communities, developing and consolidating a sustainability model; in the regional inclusion; and in the capacity building.

Martha Giraldo begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, President of the CLARA Board of Directors and Executive Director of the national Reseacrh and Education Network of Colombia, RENATA, affirmed that the creation of Virtual Research Institutions including researchers of several countries is the only way for Latin America to become competitive. “With these new powerful networks, researchers will share their instruments and data, their computing resources and their digital libraries and, even more importantly, they will work together in multi-national teams. Only by inter and extra regional team work will significant results be attained in addressing important problems such as infectious diseases, climate change, biodiversity, seismology, deforestation and water pollution. It is these tools which will permit researchers in the region to be part of large scale experiments in astronomy, physics and biotechnology,” explained.

At the end of the ceremony, with the sounds of ancient instruments recovered by the ASTRA project thanks to GÉANT, EUMEDCONNECT and RedCLARA, was recreated a piece from the first musical work written in Latin America, "The Purple of the Rose”, an opera in one-act composed by Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco to a libretto by Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1701). This formed the centre of the launch event for the ALICE2 project and the second phase of the RedCLARA network, and accompanied the serving of dessert and coffee during lunch for ministers and government agencies from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, attending the EU-LAC Ministerial Meeting hold under the Spanish Presidency of the European Union at the IFEMA exhibition centre in Madrid.

The sounds used in the performance belonged to a drum of the Gentilar culture (northern Chile), dated between 1200 BC and 1470 BC, and a bone flute (quena) from the Nasca culture (southern Peru), from the period between 1000 to 700 BC, together with two Ancient European instruments, the barbiton and epigonion, digitally recreated thanks to the ASTRA (Ancient Instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application) project which aims to recover lost instruments using mathematical modelling techniques which require computer grids supported by advanced research and education networks.

The musical work had a cast integrated by members of the Lost Sounds Orchestra: Francesco De Mattia, Artistic Director of the ASTRA Project, General Director of the Concert; Paolo Cimmino, Percussionist; Enrico Vicinanza, voice; and was dispose a choir of Caprici Arte y Música formed by its Director Lynette Carveth; and the Musical Director, Stephen Knight.

Instruments “The launch of RedCLARA is an important event both for the European and the Latin American Research and Education Communities. It signals a very significant development in the LAC-EU collaboration that we hope it will be accompanied in the near future by an improvement of connectivity and in the eventual deployment of new fibre systems connecting the two regions,” asserted Campolargo.

“Thanks to European Cooperation, Latin America has been building a powerful infrastructure supported by regional and national organizations that manage, develop and promote its use. The ALICE2 Project has and will continue to be a powerful tool for the development of Latin America and for stronger collaboration among our researchers and their peers in Europe and around the World,” concluded Giraldo.

ALICE2 ( arose in December 2008 and has an estimated execution time of 45 months. Co-funded by the European Commission (EC) through the @LIS2 Programme, ALICE2 has a total funding of € 18 million, € 12,000,000 contributed by the EC and € 6,000,000 by Latin America. Its overall objective is to stimulate and support collaborative research within Latin America and the region with Europe through the strengthening of CLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) and its network infrastructure, RedCLARA, and to encourage the creation and maintenance of research communities that work on topics related to development (UN - Millennium Development Goals - MDG) and the themes raised by the FP7 (7th Framework Programme - European Commission).

The following institutions and projects collaborated with the implementation and future staging of the concert: RedIRIS (Spain), CONARE (Costa Rica), REUNA (Chile), RAAP (Peru), GÉANT (Europe), DANTE (Europe), Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art (Chile), ASTRA (Ancient instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application)-Mariapaola Sorrentino, Domenico Vicinanza, Francesco De Mattia-, Lost Sounds Orchestra- Francesco De Mattia, Paolo Cimmino, Enrico Vicinanza and Fiorenza Calogero- and Caprici Art and Music.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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