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ALICE2 will be launched during EU-LAC Ministerial Conference

ALICE2(May 14) In the context of the Ministerial Conference foregoing to the Summit of Heads of State and Government EULAC (to be held on May 18 in Madrid) and with the presence of the directors of all networks members of the project, on May 14th will take place the official launch of ALICE2 (Latin America Interconnected with Europe, in Spanish) and the second version of RedCLARA.

On May 14, at 15:30 pm with a concert where by using the sound of a drum of the Gentilar culture (northern Chile), dated between 1200 and 1470 BC, and a bone flute (quena) from the Nasca culture (southern Peru), from the period between 1000 to 700 BC, and its combination with the instruments of old Europe, barbiton and epigonion, will be recreated a piece of the first opera written in Latin America, "The Purple of the Rose”. This will be the heart of the celebration of the launch of ALICE2 and the second phase of RedCLARA, which will take place at the time of service of desserts and coffees to be received by ministers and government agencies from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, participants in the EU-LAC Ministerial Conference to be developed on the premises of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, in the events center IFEMA (Madrid).

The sounds of these instruments, have been revived thanks to the initiative ASTRA (Ancient Instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application) of sound recovery using mathematical modeling techniques through grids applied on advanced networks; RedCLARA, GÉANT and EUMEDCONNECT, were the networks used for the recovery of pre-Hispanic and European instruments that will be possible to heard in the performance of The Purple of the Rose, opera in one-act composed by Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco on a libretto by Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1701).

Along with the launch of ALICE2 and the second phase of RedCLARA, the advanced network that interconnects Latin American National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) with their peers in Europe and the rest of the world, the directors of the Latin American NRENs will intend to bring ministers and government agencies the message about the critical importance of considering the construction of a optic fiber submarine cable that connects directly Europe and Latin America, without crossing or landing on other intermediate continents. The management of the ALICE2 project, hold on CLARA, consider as fundamental that this proposal is supported by the participants of the May 14 Conference in Madrid, in order to take it to the EU-LAC Summit of Heads of State and Government (to be held four days later in the capital of the Iberian Peninsula) in order to ensure its inclusion in the Action Plan that will emanate from there.

ALICE2 ( arose in December 2008 and has an estimated execution time of 45 months. Co-funded by the European Commission (EC) through the @LIS2 Programme, ALICE2 has a total funding of € 18 million, € 12,000,000 contributed by the EC and € 6,000,000 by Latin America. Its overall objective is to stimulate and support collaborative research within Latin America and the region with Europe through the strengthening of CLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) and its network infrastructure, RedCLARA, and to encourage the creation and maintenance of research communities that works on topics related to the development (UN - Millennium Development Goals - MDG) and the themes raised by the FP7 (7th Framework Programme - European Commission).

The following institutions and projects have collaborated with the implementation and future staging of the concert: RedIRIS (Spain), CONARE (Costa Rica), REUNA (Chile), RAAP (Peru), GÉANT (Europe), DANTE (Europe), Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art (Chile), ASTRA (Ancient instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application)-Mariapaola Sorrentino, Domenico Vicinanza, Francesco De Mattia-, Lost Sounds Orchestra- Francesco De Mattia, Paolo Cimmino, Enrico Vicinanza and Fiorenza Calogero- and Caprici Art and Music.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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