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Paraguay is paving its way to install its academic network

CONACYTThrough a cooperative agreement between the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Paraguayan Company of Communications, SA (COPACO) for creating an academic network of advanced technology, researchers will be able to connect to high speed networks, to interact with higher education and research centers around the world.

Today Monday, April 19th at 19:00 pm, the Rectory of the Asunción National University (UNA) will be the venue where the presidents of CONACYT, Dr. Juan Carlos Rolon, and COPACO, Mr. Mario Esquivel will sign an agreement for institutional cooperation for joint development of initiatives in the field of science, technology and innovation.

redesRegarding technical cooperation, the agreement includes the development of scientific research projects of interest for both institutions, human resources training, advice and technical support, exchange and utilization of knowledge between the parties and the provision of mutual services, with the use of available infrastructure.

This agreement is the result of the development process of the Academic Network for Science, Education, Technology and Innovation, ARANDU, which allow the interconnection of Paraguayan universities and research technology, to create training opportunities high level, and to promote a culture of research and teaching based on collaborative work, increasing the efficiency of the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).

The opening of the activity program involves words of the presidents of both organizations about the importance of this agreement to the beneficiaries. Subsequently, Mrs. Emilse Serafini, coordinator of the Project Mercosur Virtual School and ARANDU Network, will report on progress and challenges for the further implementation of this academic network that will benefit the scientific community and young researchers. At the end of the conferences special guests and participants will share a toast.

Importance of advanced networks

The advent of commercial Internet and its explosive growth created the need to move to different types of networks to be used specifically for research and academic communities in each country to allow students, teachers and researchers collaborate with possible highly demanding applications, bandwidth (distance education, superprocesamiento data transfer of large amounts of information, access to remote computers, telemedicine, etc.), without competing for this resource with commercial applications.

Examples of advanced networks worldwide are Internet2 in the U.S., CA*net4 in Canada, GEANT in Europe, APAN in Asia and RedCLARA, which comprises 17 academic networks from Latin American countries.

More information:
Mr. Emilse Serafini, Coordinator of the Arandu Network. CONACYT. Tel: 664-953. E-mail:
Encarnación Arréllaga, General Secretary of CONACYT. Tel: 664-953. E-mail:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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