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CUDI invites to join videoconference about FP7

FP7The activity, that will take place on Friday March 19th at the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico State Campus, has an attendance capacity for 20 people and may be followed remotely through the connectivity offered by RedCLARA and Pan-European network GÉANT. Registrations are open until March18th.


The University Corporation for Development of Internet (CUDI), invites to the workshop: "Development of successful proposals in FP7 of the European Union" organized by the National Sectorial Contact Point for Information and Communication Technologies (NACP-ICT) supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Council for Science and Technology and the European organization Ideal-ist.

The activity will take place on Friday March 19th in the classroom 6, room 6306, at the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico State Campus and has an attendance capacity for 20 people and may be followed remotely through the connectivity offered by RedCLARA and Pan-European network GÉANT.

The objective of this initiative is to report on support services offered by National Contact Points on FP7 and train participants in building successful proposals for the calls the same program. Additionally it will be possible to learn other important aspects of project management research and technological development and the formation of the consortium, the process of negotiation, budget planning, preparation of financial reports and technicians among others.

The workshop will be taught by two European experts members of the European organization Ideal-ist and forming part of the National Association for the Austrian Research Promotion "(for his lyrics in German, FFG): Dr. Thomas Zergoi, General Director of ICT section on the FFG and the National Contact Point for FP7 ICT Austria, and the lawyer, Dr. Martin Baumgartner, is the National Contact Point for FP7 Austrian legal and financial issues.

For those wishing to participate should RSVP, indicating whether it is face or remotely, by sending an email to Frank Rattmann with a copy to Salma Jalife (used the first scheme first apply to be confirmed until the quota of 20 people to face). It is necessary that those interested in participating remotely have the registration for the CUDI Network RAPLA and book a room at your institution for the video-transmission properly equipped.

Date: March 19, 2010
Place: Videoconferencing hall on the same campus
Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 pm
Attendance capacity: 20 people

For more information, visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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