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ASTRA Project invites to meet and enjoy the Epigonion sound

MusicFrancesco De Mattia, Artistic Coordinator of the ASTRA project (Ancient Instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application) and Lost Sounds Orchestra, invites the community united by CLARA and ALICE2Project to attend remotely, to the demo performed in the context of GARR Conference 09 - Network Humanitatis, on September 30 at 16:00 GMT.

Francesco De Mattia, Artistic Coordinator of the project ASTRA (Ancient Instruments Sound / Timbre Reconstruction Application) and Lost Sounds Orchestra, invites the community united by CLARA and ALICE2 Project to attend remotely, via live and direct streaming, to the demo developed in the framework of the GARR Conference 09 - Network Humanitatis, along with the musicians of the Network Sonora Esemble, on 30 September at 16:00 GMT.

During the activity, the assistance will have the opportunity to know and enjoy the Epigonio harmonic beauty, instrument whose sounds were recovered through the work realized in the ASTRA project -to which CLARA members have been invited to participate-, for the recovery of the sounds of those instruments originating of Latin American lands and that got lost in time.

Several hours earlier, at 12:00 GMT, De Mattia will develop a presentation of ASTRA, including the mention of an initiative that seeks to unite ASTRA with South America. This activity, like all the presentations and demos to be carried out under GARR Conference 09, will be transmitted by streaming.

The transmission on line can be followed through this link:

The agenda of the Conference, is available at:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects