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Join the Grids Virtual Days

eCienciALThe activities are part of the work done by the e-CienciAL project (OAS / FEMCIDI / CLARA) and consist of the implementation of two thematic meetings. The first will be held on September 29th and will cover the basic principles for developing a Grid, while the second will take place on October 13th and will address the experiences of Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico.

As part of the work conducted by the OAS / FEMCIDI / CLARA project for the creation of communities in areas of interest for Latin America and the EELA- 2 Virtual Days, soon there will be two thematic meetings directed to the GRID community.

RENATAThe first, entitled "Grids ABC", will be held on September 29th and will cover the basic principles for developing a Grid. The event will begin at 13:45 am (GMT -5) and considered among the issues to develop the state of the art of the grids in the world and the experience of installing a grid (the process of installing a Mexican institution).

The second meeting, "Advancing with the institutions to national grids with continental impact Mexico - Colombia" will take place on October 13 and will address the experiences of Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico. The activity will depart at 14:00 hours (GMT -5) and will feature a panel discussion led to the planning of future actions for the formation of a regional GRID.

CUDIThe Program to Promote the Use of Advanced Networks in Latin America for the Development of Science, Technology and Innovation, e-CienciAL (OAS / FEMCIDI / CLARA) aims to solve the gap on the insufficient level of e-Science in Latin America, understood it as a set of scientific activities developed through the use of distributed resources in the world via the Internet, with the purpose of improving e-Science activities in the areas of science and technology.

For those institutions interested in participating, connectivity will be through the Multipoint Control Unit of the National Academic Network of Colombia, RENATA, and will need to make contact with Dago Hernando Bedoya email dbedoya @ renata.

To view the complete agenda on Grids ABC Virtual Day, visit:

To view the complete agenda for the Advanced Grids Virtual Day, visit:


Grids ABC
September 29th, 2009
Start time: 13:45 (GMT-5)
Duration: 3 hours

Advanced Grids
October 13th, 2009
Start time: 14:00 (GMT-5))
Duration: 3 hour

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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