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Cenit Foundation gave the e-Science award

e-Science awardThis important recognition, sponsored by the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA), institution that gathers 13 countries in the region, was for the Venezuelan investigator, Jacinto Dávila, due to his participation in the “Delphi Poll on e-Science in Latin America".

Last Thursday, September 3rd on the Cenit´s offices (Technological Innovation National Center) Venezuelan researcher, and expert in Free Software, Jacinto Dávila, received this award because of his participation in the “Delphi Poll on e-Science in Latin America”, made by 13 experts of different countries.

The Poll was made between July and September of 2008 and its goal was to investigate the different aspects related to the identification of priorities and strategic lines for the development of e-Science in Latin America. During the award ceremony the president of Cenit Foundation Laura Trejo, remarked the relevance of the academic networks like Reacciun in Venezuela, witch promote the exchange of knowledge between national and international researchers.

Jacinto Dávila, thanked the award and insisted on the importance of the advanced networks in the development of Free Software applications, created with experts from different countries.

Finally, CLARA’s marketing manager, Rafael Puleo talked about the great interest in promoting the participation of Venezuela, trough Reacciun, in the projects taking part in Latin America and Europe, specially the ones related to the rescue of the cultural heritage and the historic memory of our countries.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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