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Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation for Developm

"Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation for Development: A Vision for the Americas in the Twenty First Century" - download the book - PDF"(…)it is crucial that all countries, large and small, rich and poor, take advantage of science, technology and innovation as fundamental elements for their development strategies, poverty reduction and the construction of a Knowledge Society." From its preface, the document delivered by OAS in 2005 -currently, totally relevant - it reveals itself as a must for the American countries. Download the book >>

The publication entitled "Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation for Development: A Vision for the Americas in the Twenty First Century" was prepared by the Office of Education, Science and Technology of OAS -Organization of American States- with the input and collaboration of distinguished scientists, experts and government officials from the Americas. As in its first edition, published in November of 2004, the document "aims to contribute in the formulation of this new approach, focused on capacity building, which if developed and strengthened in our countries will greatly favor their advancement, position and integration to the world."

Download the book here (original URL:

Table of contents:

Apart from the prefaces to the first and second edition and from the very enlightening Introduction (that after giving a good frame of reference goes deep into those central ideas that will drive the Americas into the development of a general common policy), the book is divided in four parts that really demonstrate how science, technology and engineering, working together in a suitable base effectively can conduct the development of the American nations. The four parts are:

  • Part I. Science, Technology, and Innovation to Increase Competitiveness in the Productive Sector
  • Part II. Scientific and Technological Development in the Americas
  • Part III. Science and Technology for Social Development
  • Part IV. Popularization of Science

The book ends in a fifth part which gathers all the annexes that serve to the study.

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