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Successful RedIRIS Technical Conferences

RedIrisFrom 17 to 19 November, Rabanales Campus auditoriums at the University of Córdoba, hosted the twenty-second edition of this event that involves more than 450 ICT experts from universities and research centers members of the Spanish national network, to exchange information and experiences. To access the conference archive click HERE.

The Rabanales Campus auditoriums at the University of Córdoba hosted from 17 to 19 November, the XXI RedIRIS Technical Conferences, an event that this year joined more than 450 ICT experts from universities and research centers members of the RedIRIS community to exchange information and experiences.

The opening ceremony was chaired by Juan Antonio Caballero, Vice President for Information Technologies and Communication of the University of Cordoba, who was accompanied by the deputy general manager of Scientific Infrastructure Planning and Singular the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN ), José Doncel, with the secretary general of the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry, Innovation and Science Government of Andalusia, José Luis Gambra, with Alba Maria Dobler, councilor Management, Consumer Protection and Public Health, and Thomas de Miguel, Director of RedIRIS.

The inaugural lecture was given by Felix Tellez, representative of the Plataforma Solar de Almeria, Installation CIEMAT Singular Scientific and Technological, and gave a plenary lecture the Soriguer Ramon, a biologist at the Biological Station of Doñana, which presented the research carried out in Biological Station and the potential importance for biologists to make observations on the distance taking advantage of new communications.

During the three-day meeting, there were several parallel sessions with presentations on various topics such as digital content, infrastructure management, federated services, campus networks and eGovernment.

In addition to the meeting, as usual, was preceded the RedIRIS Working Groups, held on the same site on 15 and 16 November, along with the RedIRIS Advisory Committee meetings and the reunion between RedIRIS and the responsible for regional academic networks.

All meetings of the Technical Workshops are available at:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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