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Participate:RedCLARA has new spaces of communication

 Redes socialesDo you who like to read extended information? Do you prefer short and concise texts? Are you part of social networks? Would you like to receive information in your mailbox? So this news is for you. CLARA has expanded its channels of communication and now it is possible to subscribe to the news channel, comment and share on Facebook, or being a quick follower on Twitter of all the information about events, meetings, services and projects of national networks in Latin America and Europe.

After a couple of months of intense analysis, programming and content passage, this week failed to produce the change that has long wanted to implement in the website of RedCLARA: full migration and home page content to Joomla, implementation RSS and sync it with the previously created Twitter and Facebook pages of RedCLARA.

This update process, responds to the constant search for improving and strengthening information from national networks members of RedCLARA around ALICE2 through a content management system that offers the possibility to upload information from one modern and easy platform.

For those who are part of social networks, new pages are arranged in two networks with greater presence. Thus, those who like quick and specific information, can access Twitter. To find content to wider deployment, including images, will be available a space on Facebook and those who want to receive the information can automatically subscribe to the news channel, RSS (available in Spanish, English and Portuguese).

We invite you to visit and join our followers on Twitter, comment and share the Facebook page, and test the RSS format by following these links (also available from the RedCLARA website):


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects