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Promoting advanced networks for research

RedCLARA representatives recently attended the third meeting of Vice Chancellors and Directors of Research of the Peruvian Network of Universities, whose theme was “Using Advanced Networks for research." University officials heard about the benefits of ALICE2 and benefits of joining an NREN.


 High performance infrastructure with low maintenance costs, allowing the development of collaborative research with other entities. These are the advantages that Dr. Rafael Ibarra, RedCLARA board member, described the advanced network in a talk to an audience of more than 20 delegates from universities in Peru.

Ibarra was part of a RedCLARA team who accompanied the delegates at the third meeting of Vice Chancellors and Directors of Research of the Peruvian Network of Universities (RPU by its spanish acronym), which was held in November in Huancayo, and whose main theme was " Using Advanced Networks for research." In the meeting was also present, representing CLARA, Dr. Benjamín Marticorena, director of academic relations.

Ibarra, also president of the Advanced Network Research, Science and Education of El Salvador (RAICES) gave a presentation on "Red CLARA and Research in Latin America", which highlighted the enormous impact of the project Latin America Interconnected with Europe (ALICE2) in the regional work. In addition to discussing the outlines of it, Ibarra explained like this seeks to bring more countries to the advanced network infrastructure.

The expert also noted the various regional projects that are part of the work and project goals ALICE2. One of the highlights of his presentation was the support given by RedCLARA to regional research communities, especially those who work together to solve problems related to the Millennium Development Goals and the FP7 and presenting proposals to the FP7 and ALFA .

In addition, priority RedCLARA support communities with regional benefits, including the most countries in the region. As part of the support given to this initiative, Ibarra explained that finance travel and expenses for events relevant use of ICT technologies by the Community, is seeking funding support and project development, are trained in project development and use of technologies and provide technological tools such as video and space for their web, on demand.

The issue of support was reinforced by Marticorena, who spoke on "The Research Building Communities from the use of advanced networks" to the audience, which authorities from entities such as the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, the University of Central Peru, the Universidad San Antonio Abad del Cusco, National University of Trujillo and the Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, among others.

"There are many state universities in RPU, any member of the Peruvian Advanced Academic Network (RAAP). Many of the Vice Chancellors and Director of Research said they wanted to connect to advanced networks, because they understood the benefits. RAAP hopefully increase its number of members, "he said Ibarra.

Ibarra explained that the universities have government support for infrastructure acquire should only work on the issue of connectivity to join RAAP.


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