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Follow on-line: Training on Multicast Basics

The Multicast training that, thanks to ALICE2, will be given by the expert Guillermo Cicileo to the members of the Academic Network of Peru, RAAP, from December 15 to 17, will be broadcasted online. Connect yourself!

To introduce the main concepts of multicast and carry out labs in configuration and operation of such technology is the focus of the "Multicast Basics" training that, thanks to the ALICE2 project, has prepared CLARA for the RAAP members. To be given by the General Coordinator of the RIU (network of national universities of Argentina) and member of the evaluation committee of FLIP6 (Latin American IPv6 Forum), Guillermo Cicileo, the three-day course will revise the fundamental theoretical concepts that are required to understand the Multicast technology.

To follow the course via streaming, log in following this URL:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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