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Colombia: Meeting of researchers on Software Engineering


The objectives of the event, which was organized by the Latin American Research Network Applied on Experimental Software Engineering and held on December 5 to 12 at the University of Quindio , focused on the analysis of the experiences carried out in 2010 and projected activities for 2011.


From left to right (in Spanish): Sergio Zapata, Universidad Nacional de San Juan Argentina; Clifton Clunie, Vicedecano Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas Computacionales Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá; Fáber D. Giraldo, Investigador principal del proyecto, grupo SINFOCI Universidad del Quindío; María Inés Lund,  Universidad Nacional de San Juan Argentina; Myriam Herrera, Universidad Nacional de San Juan Argentina; Laura Nidia Aballay, Universidad Nacional de San Juan Argentina; Carla Gabriela Sambrizzi, Universidad Nacional de San Juan Argentina; Hugo Andrés Neyem, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Raquel Anaya, Universidad EAFIT; José Luís Arciniegas, Universidad del Cauca; Sergio Fabián Ochoa, Universidad de Chile.

Two cooperation agreements between the University of Quindio in Colombia and the Technological University of Panama, the first, and the University of Chile, the second, are part of the results of the plenary meeting realized by the Latin American Research Network Applied on Experimental Software Engineering, that gathers nine universities from Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia and financed by the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, Colciencias of Colombia, Colciencias; the National Research and Education Network of Colombia, RENATA ; the LACCIR research institute; the Microsoft Research initiative; and RedCLARA.

The meeting, held from 5 to 12 December 2010 at the University of Quindio, was attended by renowned academics and researchers from mayor American universities associated with the objective of strengthening the teaching of software engineering in Latin America through the application of collaborative work to allow interaction between students and teachers from universities geographically separated.

The objectives of this meeting focused on the analysis of results of collaborative learning experiences in software engineering implemented in 2010, which covered a total of 150 students from different universities. Additionally, the research team conducted the planning of activities for the 2011, among which are international publications and implementation of new collaborative experiences.

In addition to the universities represented by the research assistants, the project involves the participation of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and National University of Costa Rica.

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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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