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Businesses should engage with technology

Tony Rahilly, Director General Irap (International Road Assessment Programme), Canada, spoke about the work of this organization in Colombia, how to evaluate investments and contributions sought by the society through greater flexibility with private enterprise. Rahilly made a presentation that was broadcast by RENATA.

The Director General of the International Road Assessment Programme (IRAP) of Canada, Tony Rahilly, was in Colombia to discuss the work of this institution in promoting the technological development of their country and other nations. One of the pillars, according to this expert is opening with the business in this area.

The Irap arose precisely to generate the development of technology in areas of defense, during the Second World War.

After the conflict, the work of the organization continued to recover in the industry. At present, it is dedicated to assisting small and medium enterprises to grow and achieve technologically have the necessary tools to grow.

However, Rahilly says they have filters to provide financing. They receive several proposals and, through specialized staff with extensive experience in project management, choose them. The expert explained that, to choose who to support, focus on the scope of the business, how successful have been their products and, above all, the company's financial situation.

The idea is that companies invest in research and innovation and generate other activities as the recruitment of young people with market intelligence studies, among others.

All the activity of IRAP has the financial support of the Government of Canada with a budget that is renewed every five years. Rahilly clear that sometimes have other funds for the care of special programs. "They are those used for economic recovery in times of crisis," he said, which also comes out of that state.

This is why the targets for approving each project must be approved by the Canadian government. "Finally, after all, we exist to make our businesses successful," said the expert. The Irap creates conditions for the wealth of their country grow and employment opportunities are expanded through a really productive economy. For all this, it is useful scientific and technological innovation.

"We showed that the work has served as the impact we have on tax collections," says Rahilly. Means that the companies they support are generating more revenue for the government of his country.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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