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Call for Participation: Trust and the Future of the Internet

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The meeting will take place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, between the 5th and 6th of October, 2007. The expertise interested in participate must submit papers on 24th of August.

The Internet Society (ISOC) Board of Trustees is currently engaged in a discovery process to define a long term Major Strategic Initiative to ensure that the Internet of the future remains accessible to everyone. The Board believes that Trust is an essential component of all successful relationships and that an erosion of Trust: in individuals, networks, or computing platforms, will undermine the continued health and success of the Internet.

The Board will meet in special session the first week October of 2007 for intensive study focused on the subject of trust within the context of network enabled relationships. As part of this process, the Board is hereby issuing a call for subject experts who can participate in the two day discussion. Topics of interest include: the changing nature of trust, security, privacy, control and protection of personal data, methods for establishing authenticity and providing assurance, management of threats, and dealing with unwanted traffic.

Participants will be selected based on a short paper summarizing individual interests and qualifications as well as availability. The retreat will be held in Toronto, Ontario (CA) . Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by ISOC and participants should expect to arrive October 4th and depart on the 6th or 7th.

Expressions of interest may be emailed to: and papers should not exceed three pages. Papers must received by August 24th, 2007 and the Program Committee will make their selections on or before September 7th, 2007. Subject experts will be allotted one hour for presentation on October 5th and will be included in the days round-table discussions. In order to facilitate open discussion, final presentation materials should be forwarded to ISOC no later than September 21st, 2007.

More information at:

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