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Health integration in Latin America: Telemedicine University Network arrives in Chile

The Chilean academic network (REUNA) announced last March 16  the launch of the country's Telemedicine University Network, RUTE-Chile, the first network outside of Brazil in the field of health education and research of RUTE-Latin America.

(Source: RNP, with information from REUNA and RedCLARA) The launch was broadcast live by REUNA on YouTube and was attended by the President of RUTE-Chile, Dr. Angélica Avendaño; Dr. Luiz Ary Messina, Head of Institutional Relations in Health of the Brazilian academic network (RNP) and Coordinator of the RUTE-Brazil University Telemedicine Network; REUNA's Executive Director, Paola Arellano; and representatives of four universities in the country: University of Chile, University of Valparaíso, University of Concepción and Universidad del Desarrollo. Representatives of the ministries of science and technology of Brazil and Chile also participate in the meeting.

The objective of RUTE-Chile is to promote collaboration and synergy between actors of the national and international ecosystem, to accelerate training, research and development in Digital Health, Telemedicine and Telehealth in Chile, contributing to the health and well-being of citizens; Through the initiative, the entities that are part of the project will be able to propose, promote and participate in the development of the network of activities, initiatives and projects, acting in a coordinated, synergistic and collaborative way, also establishing exchanges and collaboration with other entities and national and international networks that have similar objectives.

"It all started with the signing of an agreement proposed by RedCLARA, which promoted this entire movement, in which participate the NRENs of Colombia (RENATA), Ecuador (CEDIA), Mexico (CUDI) and REUNA", said Luiz Ary Messina.

For more information on RUTE-Chile, please visit

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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