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MuRe: Latin American collaboration to foster network museography


With great satisfaction, effort and enthusiasm, in addition to RedCLARA's support, the National Research and Education Networks of Argentina - InnovaRed, Chile - REUNA, Colombia - RENATA, Spain - RedIRIS, Mexico - CUDI, Paraguay - ARANDU, Peru - RAAP and Uruguay - RAU, collaborated in network, throughout 2017, through an Internet circuit of exhibition called Network Museography (MuRe, for its acronym in Spanish).

In this space, museums, cultural centers, institutions and people participated in dialogues and interactions in real time, in the same virtual space, without coexisting geographically.

MuRe is a project created by Anilla Cultural Latinoamérica-Europa, from Uruguay, and was selected by the Competitive Culture Fund of the Ministry of Education and Culture of that country. In addition to this fund, it joined the collaborative work of academic networks with various cultural, educational and social institutions in Latin America and Europe.

The collaborative project developed two years ago between Anilla Cultural and the translation course of the University of the Republic of Uruguay allowed all sessions of MuRe to have simultaneous interpretation to English and many of them to Portuguese and Italian, and also to Quechua (thanks to the collaboration with the Technical University of North, of Ecuador, and the Instituto Gregoria Santos, of Peru).

In all, seven sessions were held and hundreds of venues participated through the connection to the VC-CUDI videoconference system – of the Mexican Network of Research and Education - with reproductions on Facebook Live and YouTube. The audience was very diverse, adding participants from primary schools, high schools, universities, research centers, municipal libraries and Internet access centers located throughout Latin America and some locations in Europe.

The artists, speakers and guests shared their works, productions and ideas, generating dynamics with the public in a virtual way to create synergies and appropriations of different types.

The first session of MuRe was held on May 8, 2017, titled "GloCal Consciousness: Conceptual Convergence between Global and Local"; sought reflection, dialogue and creation of links between participants. It was a space in which creators and the public let flow concepts such as territory, cosmos, community and identity, which served as the basis for discussions and interventions.

On May 17, it was the turn of MuRe 1.2, entitled "Signodio", expression that is linked to the signs of hatred and fear. Three actions were carried out: from Montevideo, Clemente Padín, legendary visual poet and artist, performed the performance 'Memoria Viva'; from Buenos Aires, Argentina, at UNTREF, Mariela Yegueri presented 'Alert States'; finally, the professor Ricard Huerta and his students at the University of Valencia, Spain, presented the cultural construction of our bodies and the fears that provoke the representations of the same in the educational environment.

MuRe 1.3 was held on June 8 under the name of "Ancestrostic" and was focused on the ancestral knowledge and the arts of the indigenous peoples of Latin America. In addition to being translated into English, this session was also broadcast in Quechua, thanks to the collaboration of interpreters from the Gregoria Santos Institute, located in Sicuani del Cusco, Peru.

At the fourth session, "Las Máquinas del Arte" (July 25), different views on machines, devices and equipment that generate art were presented to the public. Among the participants, Dorit Chrysler, a world-renowned artist, shared her artistic link with Theremin, a private instrument-machine. Artists selected in the Matilde Pérez Competition at the Museum of Contemporary Art - MAC, Chile also showed the gears between technology and art.

The fifth and sixth sessions, entitled "Los Viajeros" and "Cocreando en Red", respectively, took place in August and September. In October, the project made its final presentation called "Las musas de MuRe", where, recalling the habit of the ancient Homeric poets to invoke the "muses" for the task of an artistic activity, the participants discussed which muses are present in this new form of "making" and "being" museum.

There is already an expectation for a new cycle of sessions in 2018. Meanwhile, those interested can take advantage of the registration of the seven sessions of 2017 on Anilla Cultural's Youtube channel at videos

To learn more about MuRE, visit:




Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects