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January 15-16: Marie Curie Actions Proposal Writing Training

The main objective of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships (MSCA) under the Horizon Europe programme is to support the training and career development of researchers worldwide by funding excellent doctoral programmes, individual postdoctoral projects and collaborative projects.

The course is specially designed for researchers, scientists, students, project managers which are willing to apply for Horizon Europe MSCA programme, as coordinators, or as partners, EU pre-award offices. Suitable for any levels of experience, as the training progressively moves from basic notions to most challenging aspects of the proposal preparation. Throughout the training many examples, recommendations and tips will be shared with the participants.

Grant: Horizon Europe – MSCA

Outcomes: maximise your chances of getting funded. Depending on your previous experience, at the end of the training you will be able:

  • To understand the eligibility criteria and all the necessary requirements to submit a competitive MSCA proposal.
  • Plan and lead a complete proposal writing process.
  • To understand and emphasize on the key elements in “Excellence, Impact and Implementation” sections.
  • To understand how a truly competitive proposal should look like.
  • To gain a better understanding of the evaluation process.



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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