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31 March 2024: FAPESP-SNSF grants for collaboration between researchers from Switzerland and São Paulo

Under the cooperation agreement between the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), researchers from the state of São Paulo and researchers from Switzerland can submit collaborative research projects to the two institutions, with leadership alternating between FAPESP and the SNSF.

Proposals for scientific co-operation can be submitted in all areas of knowledge.

What is offered
Funding from FAPESP will come in the form of Regular Research Grants or Thematic Project Grants. See the rules here and here, respectively. All the rules of these grants will apply, with the following exceptions:

a) Regular Research Grant ( up to 48 months, with a maximum budget of up to R$ 150 000 per year (this amount includes the costs of Scholarships and Technical Reserves (Portion of Direct Project Infrastructure Costs, Complementary Benefits and Institutional Technical Reserve) plus a Post-Doctoral Scholarship quota.

b) Thematic Project Research Grant ( up to 48 months,

FAPESP will cover the costs of the research team from the state of São Paulo. The FAPESP budget will follow the rules relating to the type of support chosen (Regular Research Grant or Thematic Project Research Grant), with the exceptions mentioned above.

The SNSF will finance the costs of the Swiss team in accordance with its rules. In addition, if researchers from a third state or country are included in the proposal, no more than 20 per cent of the SNSF budget can be requested to cover the research costs of the third country partner. The remainder must be provided by another source of funding.

The amounts requested from the two agencies need not be the same. However, it is expected that the proposals present a balanced partnership, not specifically in monetary terms, but with an equivalent commitment in research effort from each of the two funding agencies.

Who is eligible
Before submitting the research proposal, the responsible researcher from the state of São Paulo must consult FAPESP in order to obtain a Letter of Eligibility, which will be attached to the proposal at the time of submission. The SNSF will only accept proposals from Swiss researchers considered eligible by its criteria.

Project submission
The research proposal must contain a research project designed and written jointly by the proposers from Switzerland and the state of São Paulo. The same project will be submitted to FAPESP and the SNSF.

Deadline: 31 March 2024

Further information: Submissões FAPESP/SNSF – Fundação Nacional de Ciência da Suíça

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects