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November 9, 9:00 GMT-6: “The El Niño Phenomenon in Central America” Webinar

In the framework of the Global Gateway Strategy and the Digital Alliance of the European Union with Latin America and the Caribbean, and with the financial support of the European Union (Directorate General International Partnerships for the EC), the webinar "The El Niño phenomenon in Central America" will be held next Thursday, November 9, 2023, between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. (GMT-6, Costa Rica time).

The objective of this webinar is to strengthen the capacities of different actors in the Central American region from the academic, public, and private sectors, based on the review of the possibilities offered by the satellite information platforms of the Copernicus Program for the monitoring of the phenomenon, as well as the contribution of the perspectives and scenarios from experts of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), CEPREDENAC and other actors.

The El Niño phenomenon is a climatic event generated periodically by the warming of the Pacific Ocean. Its effects are noticeable in the north of the Pacific region, the departments of the Andean region and in the departments of the Caribbean region. The effects of El Niño include: increase in global temperatures, droughts, loss of tropical forests, forest fires, melting of the polar ice caps, coral bleaching and death, and heavy rains. In view of this scenario, different sectors already have action guidelines to face the El Niño phenomenon, so they should remain alert with coordination and communication activities with meteorological services to know the weekly and monthly behavior of the onset of rains, the heat wave, verifying the behavior of rainfall during the forecast quarter.

Participation in the webinar "The El Niño Phenomenon in Central America" is free of charge, but requires registration, which can be done at the following link.

AGENDA (9h - 10h30 GMT-6)

AGENDA (9h - 10h30 GMT-6)

Welcome (15 min)

  • Matteo Banti (Head of Cooperation for Costa Rica, Panama, and Central America, European Union Delegation to Costa Rica)
  • Stephane Ourevitch (EU Space Program Support Office)

World Meteorological Organization presentations (15 min.)

  • Rodney Martinez
  • Presentation by Max Campos (Executive Secretary of the CRRH)

Copernicus Tools

  • Copernicus Marine Service, Karen Guihou (15 min.)
  • Copernicus Climate Change/CAMS (15 min)
  • Risk Management for the El Niño Phenomenon, Claudia Herrera
  • (Executive Secretary of CEPREDENAC) (15 min.)



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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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