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November 17, 1 PM GMT: "Decentralized Digital Identity" Webinar (ESR Brazil)

With the support of RedCLARA and simultaneous translation into Spanish, the Higher School of Networks of the Brazilian advanced network, RNP, will carry out this webinar with the aim of analyzing this theme, that represents an important innovation catalyst for the digital transformation process, providing not only civic and social empowerment, but also enabling real economic gains.

Since its launch, blockchain has been identified as the technology of decentralization and it is no secret that decentralized digital identity could prove to be a key element of any large-scale digital platform.

The discussions will be led by the expert Fernando Marino, Researcher at CPQD since 2014, participating in various research and product development projects in the field of Computer Science.

Participation in the Webinar "Decentralized Digital Identity" is free of charge, but requires registration, which can be done at, where you can also get more information.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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