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April 28, 4 PM GMT: LA-CoNGA physics Thematic Session at CILAC2021

The LA-CoNGA physics project will present on Wednesday, April 28, a conversation space called "Open science, infrastructure and collaboration networks: the challenge of the new higher education", as part of the thematic sessions of the Latin American and the Caribbean Science Open Forum (CILAC2021).

(By Ysabel Briceño, LA-CoNGA physics) This conversation space has managed to convene the main collaborative initiatives for research and teaching in the region, such as the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks, RedCLARA (with Luis Eliécer Cadenas); the open access repository network, LA Referencia (with Bianca Amaro); the Latin American Strategic Research Infrastructure Forum for High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, LASF4RI-HECAP (with Fernando Quevedo); UNESCO's International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, IESALC (with Yuma Inzolia); and the alliance for advanced physics training, LA-CoNGA physics (with Reina Camacho). It will also have the participation of the Inter-American Development Bank, IADB (with Rafael Anta), as one of the financing entities for regional development. The activity will be moderated by Luis Núñez, coordinator of LA-CoNGA physics in Latin America.

These networks, convened within the framework of the CILAC 2021 meeting, are Latin American initiatives that have had common characteristics: multi-institutional links, the participation of public and private actors, collaboration, diversity, interconnected infrastructure, shared software and data. "These conditions constitute an invaluable opportunity to promote the development of the open science and education movement in our region", says Reina Camacho, LA-CoNGA physics deputy coordinator, which is why it has been considered pertinent to open a dialogue on the Challenges that promoting this new model of building knowledge has constituted, and in what way higher education could be inserted in it.

For Camacho, the networks convened expose students, teachers, and researchers to a variety of concepts, techniques and instruments that are not traditionally accessible and many times not available locally, which is why the aspiration is to be a productive exchange of ideas point in terms of challenges and difficulties for the region, based on these experiences. Luis Núñez emphasized learning after the pandemic - as a demonstration in which the axes of this thematic session (open science, shared infrastructure and collaboration)- will be the new way of relating in higher education, both in teaching, as in research.

CILAC 2021 is a regional space for debate and exchange on issues that would make it possible to strengthen and implement effective science, technology, and innovation (STI) policies in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. The entire CILAC2021 agenda will be held this year in virtual form during April 26 to 28. Do not forget to register at

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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