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November 19, 8pm GMT: "LACChain ID Technological Stack" Workshop

Within the framework of the MoU signed between RedCLARA and the IDB LAB for the development of the Latin American blockchain system, the LACChain project invites those interested to participate in the “LACChain ID Technological Stack” Workshop, which will take place on Thursday 19 of November, at 8pm GMT*, by Zoom.

The workshop will last two hours and will address topics such as the technical conformation of the LACChain identity model and the LACChain identity stack, as well as the presentation of demos.

In order for the attendees to become familiar with LACChain, the event organization is offering some webinars that can be viewed prior to the workshop. For attendees with a business profile, the recommendation is to start with the seminar "What is LACChain?", which can be found at, in the webinars section. If the profile is technical, the one indicated is the course "Introduction to LACChain" at the URL:, and the workshop "Raise your first node in LACChain Besu", which is also found at

Participation is free of charge, but requires registration, which can be done at

LACChain is a global alliance made up of different actors in the blockchain environment, led by the Innovation Laboratory of the IDB Group (IDB Lab) for the development of the blockchain ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean. It was born with the purpose of accompanying and accelerating the development of the blockchain ecosystem, seeking to maximize the social impact that technology has the potential to offer.

More information at:

* Update: the event time is 8pm GMT, and not 6pm GMT, as previously reported.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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