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July 14, 4 PM GMT: "Impact of climate change over water resources" Webinar

The RedCLARA Scientific Collaboration Community on Climate Change will meet again this Tuesday, July 14, at 4pm GMT, in the Webinar "Impact of climate change over water resources".

To discuss the topic, the session - the sixth since the creation of the community - will count with the participation of the experts Dr. Luis Manuel Martínez, Specialist in watershed management, and Marcos Villacís, Hydrologist and Professor at the National Polytechnic School of Quito, in Ecuador.

Participation is free of charge, but requires registration, that can be made at Once the registration is made, the connection data will be sent by e-mail.

For more information on “Impact of climate change over water resources”, please visit

The previous five webinar sessions of the Climate Change Community are now available on RedCLARA's website and YouTube channel. To review the recordings and learn more about the group, please visit


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