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April 23: “Computer Resources for Fighting the Pandemic: Do's and Don'ts” Webinar

We all understand that computer resources are one of the big assets to fight the current pandemic. In this discussion, that will be held on April 23rd at 14:00 GMT, we will hear different experiences from leading researchers from the USA, Europe, and Brazil and try to understand what the best practices are.

The participants are:

  • Dr. William L. Barth, Director of Future Technologies, The Texas Advanced Computing Center, the University of Texas at Austin, USA (
  • Dr. Guillaume Houzeaux,  Physical and Numerical Modelling Group Manager, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain (
  • Dr. Mariano Vazquez, High Performance Computational Mechanics Group Manager, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain (
  • Prof. Guilherme H. Travassos, Hub.Rio and Computer Science Dept Head, COPPE/UFRJ (

The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Alvaro Coutinho, from COPPE's High Performance Computing Center and Coordinator of COPPE's Interdisciplinary Area of Computational Engineering and Science.

In order to participate, please join the virtual room at the indicated date and hour:

This activity is a collaboration of TACC, BSC, and COPPE/UFRJ, institutions that have collaborated for many years and now join forces again.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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