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April 7: "Setting recommendations for a safe meeting in Zoom" Webinar

Due to the growing demand for the Zoom video conferencing platform, malicious actions have been presented by users who seek to hinder this means of communication by participating in meetings with public links, entering obscene images and audios and, in some cases, taking control of the annotations. With the aim of training the academic community of Mexico and Latin America on the subject, the University Corporation for Internet Development (CUDI), will carry out this Tuesday, April 7, at 11am (Central Mexico time - 16h GMT) the "Setting recommendations for a safe meeting in Zoom" webinar.

The session will be totally demo, with the aim that all participants see and know how to set up their meetings safely. To participate, you need to register at

For more information, please visit




Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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