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Uruguay - RAU


Red Académica Uruguaya / RAU

The Uruguayan Academic Network (RAU) is a development of the Universidad de la República, administered by the Servicio Central de Informática Universitario (SeCIU) that operates since year 1988. It joins up the Faculties, Schools, Institutes and Services of the Universidad de la República and numerous organizations of superior education and investigation of the country.

In correspondence to the guidelines established in the regional and world-wide instances of reflection about the mission of the University Academic Networks, RAU looks for to be a scope of integration, communication and discussion, at the service of the objectives of education, research and the social transformations.

The nodes of the Uruguayan Academic Network are 48, being able to discriminate between pertaining to the Universidad de la República -36- and those of other Academic and Research organizations -14. RAU is at the service of 31 Faculties, Institutes and Schools, 6,516 professors, 1,065 technicians, and 60,000 students.




Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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