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The first ibero-american blockchain and cybersecurity network takes off supported by Cyted

An innovative Project promoted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Córdoba, Argentina, where RedCLARA is one a founding member, has been selected to receive funding from Cyted, the Ibero-American Programme on Science and Technology for Development, for five years.

The selected project is the first Ibero-American Blockchain and Cybersecurity Network - RIBCI- coordinated by the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies Laboratory of the CIDS (CIDS Blockchain Lab) of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba.

The activities of the new Network include comparative studies and surveys related to the technical-legal framework of Blockchain and Cybersecurity technologies in Latin America, new talent training, linking university-government-business, modeling of smart contracts, case of study about traceability use and virtual criminal scenarios, and even forensic tools and techniques applicable to the extraction and analysis of evidence based on Blockchain technologies.

These activities aim to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrialization, fostering innovation through the Blockchain and Cybersecurity technologies application, within solid and equitable regulatory frameworks. The human capital strengthening and the technology and knowledge transfer to productive and government sectors in Ibero-American countries are also important goals of the project.

The members of RedRIBCI, joining RedCLARA, are 13 research groups and three institutions, all of them from Argentina, Panama, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Chile, and El Salvador. The Network will operate with a budget of 15,000 euros for the first year, which will automatically renew for the next four years. This financial support demonstrates the enormous interest of the scientific community in the region toward the potential of Blockchain knowledge.

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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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