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With the support of REUNA, the Telemedicine University Network of Chile will be launched next March 16.


The University Network of Telemedicine of Chile (RUTE-Chile) will be launched next Tuesday, March 16, at 11 am in Santiago (2 pm GMT), in a virtual ceremony to be held by Zoom. The organization was created from the collaboration of four prominent Chilean universities (U. de Concepción, U. del Desarrollo, U. de Valparaíso and U. de Chile) with Chile's national research and education network (REUNA).


The opening meeting will be attended by the President of RUTE-Chile, Dr. Angélica Avendaño, Dr. Luiz Ary Messina, responsible for Institutional Health Relations at RNP (Brazilian advanced network), and the Executive Director of REUNA, Paola Arellano , which will present an overview of the initiative. To participate it is necessary to register (link below), but the event will also be broadcast simultaneously through the REUNA channel on YouTube.


The goal of RUTE-Chile is to promote collaboration and synergies between actors in the national and international ecosystem, to accelerate training, research and development in Telemedicine and Telehealth in Chile, contributing to people's health and well-being. Through RUTE-Chile, the entities that integrate it will be able to propose, promote and participate in the development of the network of activities, initiatives and projects, acting in a coordinated, synergistic and collaborative way, also establishing exchanges and collaboration with other entities and national and international networks. who have similar goals.


To learn more about RUTE-Chile visit the website

To register and be part of the launching ceremony, register at

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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