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Connectivity to RedCLARA

In order to get connected to RedCLARA, the scientific, academic and/or research institutions interested must be part of and be connected to the National Research and Education Network (NREN) in their country of origin. RedCLARA can only be accessed through the connection to such networks. These networks, in turn, must be members of RedCLARA, and to do so they must accredit their existence, be a non-profit institution or corporation and sing CLARA’s statutes. Only one NREN per country can be a RedCLARA member and therefore get connection to the network (it is worth mentioning that since the creation of RedCLARA nearly a dozen national networks have been created across the region).

There are four ways to become a member of RedCLARA and through the following links we invite you to learn about each one of them: Full Associates (Members), Regional Associates, Peer Associates and Entreprenurial Associates.



According to Article 9 of RedCLARA’s Statues: “In order to be a full Associate it is necessary to: a) be an entity managing an academic, scientific and/or research network at a national level in a country, b) have support from the Government of the country represented. This support will have to be expressed in writing by the relevant authorities, c) request its incorporation into the Association through a formal letter addressed to the Directing Council. Such letter will have to be signed by the representative of the requesting organisation”.
Article 10 indicates: “ARTICLE 10. – The national networks that meet the conditions necessary to become an Associate but which do not have legal entity status will be allowed to register as Observers without the right to vote. It will be possible to maintain this status for one year. This period can be renewed once for the same length of time, provided the Observer entity makes a request in writing to the Directing Council, expressing its reasons and the Directing Council approves the extension”.

The following national networks are full associates

Argentina - InnovaRed
Brasil - RNP
Colombia - RENATA
Costa Rica - RedCONARE
Chile - REUNA
Ecuador - Cedia
RAICES - EL Salvador
RAGIE - Guatemala
CUDI - México
Nicaragua - Runba
Uruguay - RAU
Honduras - RedNESAH
According to Article 13 of CLARA’s statutes, their rights are:

“The rights of all associates are: a) To receive the regular reports produced by the Association’s administration in relation to the tasks done by it and its financial situation; b) To make use of the added value services provided by CLARA, in compliance with the policies established by the Directing Council.

“The exclusive rights of full associates are: a) To have access to RedCLARA; b) to have the right to vote in Ordinary and Extraordinary Associates Assemblies and to exercise in them all the rights of the members of those assemblies acknowledged by these statutes and relevant laws; b) To have the right to be elected as members of the Directing Council and other social bodies of the Association in which the functions of the Council are distributed; c) To coordinate intra-national activities and be the interlocutor entity for CLARA”.
Obligations of Full Associates:

According to Article 12 of RedCLARA’s statutes, “Full Associates’ obligations are: a) To participate, either personally or represented by other Associates duly authorised, in the Ordinary or Extraordinary Assemblies they are invited to; b) To make sure their appointed representatives effectively perform the roles in the Directive Council and other social bodies, in case they are elected for these posts; c) To effectively perform the tasks and responsibilities assumed and commissioned by the Directing Council; d) To supervise the Association’s activities and use all the rights provided by the law to ensure the Association’s purpose is fulfilled, and that its assets are uprightly and efficiently managed; e) To pay the ordinary or extraordinary membership fees established; f) To comply with these Statutes, with the regulations approved by the Directing Council and the resolutions and agreements produced by the Council and/or the Associates Assembly”.


RedCLARA’s Regional Associates correspond to legal persons with a regional or intercontinental scope, which have an interest in the development of science, technology and innovation, in society in general and in higher education in particular.

According to Article 9 of RedCLARA’s Statutes, to be a Regional Associate it is required that: “a) To accredit interest in scientific-technological development and innovation; b) to submit 2 sponsorship letters from full associates; c) To request incorporation into the Association through a formal letter addressed to the Directing Council, accompanied with the original letters mentioned in b) attached. This letter must be signed by the representative of the requesting organisation”.

Obligations of Regional Associates:
According to Article 12 of RedCLARA’s statutes, the obligations of Regional Associates are the following: “a) To pay the Association’s ordinary and extraordinary fees established by the Assembly. The Assembly will be able to establish different fees for this type of Associates, depending on their contribution to the association and the benefits produced by these; b) to fully respect and enforce CLARA’s statutes”.

Their rights, according to Article 13 of RedCLARA’s Statutes, are:
“All associates have the right to: a) Receive regular reports produced by the Association’s administration in relation to its activities and financial situation; b) To make use of added value services offered by CLARA, in compliance with the policies established by the Directing Council”.

Regional Associates have the following rights: “a) To have a voice in Ordinary and Extraordinary Associate Assemblies”.


RedCLARA’s Peer Associates correspond to advanced academic and research networks, with a continental scope, with characteristics similar to RedCLARA in terms of infrastructure and applications.

According to Article 9 of RedCLARA’s Statutes, to be a Peer Associate it is required: “a) to accredit interest in scientific-technological development and innovation; b) to submit 2 sponsorship letters from full associates; c) To request incorporation into the Association through a formal letter addressed to the Directing Council, accompanied with the original letters mentioned in b) attached. This letter must be signed by the representative of the requesting organisation”.

Obligations of Peer Associates:
According to Article 12 of RedCLARA’s statutes, the obligations of Peer Associates are: “To pay the Association’s ordinary and extraordinary fees established by the Assembly. The Assembly will be able to establish different fees for this type of Associates, depending on their contribution to the association and the benefits produced by these; b) to fully respect and enforce CLARA’s statutes”.

According to Article 13 of CLARA’s Statutes, their rights are:
“All associates have the right to: a) Receive regular reports produced by the Association’s administration in relation to its activities and financial situation; b) To make use of added value services offered by CLARA, in compliance with the policies established by the Directing Council”.

Peer Associates have the following rights: “a) To have a voice in Ordinary and Extraordinary Associate Assemblies”.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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