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Chile - REUNA


Red Universitaria Nacional / REUNA

REUNA, Red Universitaria Nacional (National University Network - Chile), is a non-profit private corporation made up of 14 Chilean universities and the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT). Its an initiative of university collaboration, that counts on the only technological infrastructure of advanced networks of academic nature, dedicated to research and development in Chile.

It was born in 1992, with the creation of the first university network connected to Internet, and in 1998 it is empowered by the launch of REUNA2, the first high speed network of Latin America. In the year 2000, REUNA integrates the Advanced Education Networks, by means of its connection to Internet2.

REUNA provides to their community with services in matters of Information and Communications Technologies, supported by a work team highly qualified and committed, that promotes the interuniversity work through the use of its infrastructure of advanced research and education network, connecting its member institutions with its international pairs, in order to increase the quality of their supply and take advantage in a collaborative way of the opportunities that the internationalization gives.


Executive: Paola Arellano -

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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