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Venezuela - REACCIUN


Centro Nacional de Innovación Tecnológica (CENIT)
Red Académica de Centros de Investigación y Universidades Nacionales / REACCIUN

CENIT is a foundation with basis in the Ministry of the Popular Power for Science and Technology (MPPCT), it was created by a presidential decree in April 17th 2006, and it's objective is to work in research, development and innovation in the area of information and communication technologies in accordance to the socio-productive model of the country. As strategic objectives, CENIT aims to contribute to leverage the technological capacities of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation in order to foster the scientific, academic and technological sectors, and to consolidate a research, development and technological innovation system to give response to the needs and requirements of the country. CENIT is looking forward to foster the development of the infrastructure of the Academic Network of Venezuela, in conjunction with the social networks that are currently working with the "transformation engines".

Executive: Dr. Carlos Eloy Figueira Rodríguez (Presidente) -
Executive: Jeruss Arocha – (Director Ejecutivo) -
Executive: Lic. Nadia Márquez  (Coordinación Académica) -
Technical: Neudys Rojas (Director de Operaciones y Red Académica) -


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects