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Víctor Castelo: "We avoid to invent the wheel"

Víctor Castelo, research networking expert at the Secretariat General for Informatics CSIC, Barcelona (Spain), think the exchange of experiences is critical to learn from the experiences of others and not try to "reinvent the wheel" and to build common fronts on issues of technology in the region. The doctor will give a presentation on "e-Infrastructures in Europe", during Tical 2011.

Tical 2011 starts tomorrow, the first major regional conference of the Network of Directors of Information Technologies and Communication of Latin American Universities (Tical), an event in which the exchange of experiences and knowledge of trends will be the priorities.

The meeting will take place this 20 and June 21 in La Ciudad del Saber, Panama City, and one of its most important speakers is Dr. Victor Castelo, who was a member of the Board of Directors of Dante, which co-ordinates activities of research networks in Europe. Castelo closely involved in the development of European network GEANT and CLARA in Latin America.

His paper in Tical 2011 will discuss the issue of e-Infrastructure for Europe, which can provide important insights for Latin America.

Why do you consider important for managers of technology in higher education institutions perform these activities?
Exchange of experience is always rewarding, learn from others, we avoid reinventing the wheel, and unite our efforts in developing common working groups. Also very important to make common front on issues in technology, politics of the region and establish federations in different areas. I'm sure TICAL 2011 will be a success.

What are the two main points of your paper?
Presenting the overview of e-Infrastructures in Europe of all types,from the networks at the computer. To analyze the trend being experienced in deployment of infrastructure and from the technological point of view, all with special vision from Spain and in all Latin America. We are in times of crisis and we must set priorities, optimize use of resources and use the lever of Research and Innovation to move as efficiently as possible.

What are the expectations of their participation in Tical 2011?
It's an honor to participate in this first event of Tical, because my involvement with Latin America since 1996, and especially in creating CLARA and REdCLARA, are among the activities that have given me satisfaction in my career in the world of research networks. Therefore, extending the capillarity of my university-level contact and exchange experiences I think will be a big step by me.


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