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RENATA services were successful in 2011

Over 4,500 hours of broadcasting summed RENATA Live service during 2011, with over 730 events of the Colombian academic and research communities transmitted online.

Institutions connected to the Colombian NREN (RENATA) carried out a series of events -from presentations to large international conferences- that were broadcast by means of the advanced network infrastructure provided through the service “RENATA en Vivo”. Ninety of the institutions connected to RENATA scheduled, reported and broadcast activities, exceeding by 60 the number of institutions that used the service in 2010.

An extraordinary growth of more than 200% was the one that got “RENATA en Vivo” from 2010 to 2011. The activities streamed by the network increased from 350 to over 700. Furthermore, the dissemination through mailing list reaches over nine thousand subscribers and on social networks (Facebook and Twitter) the subscribers are nearly four thousand.

The most successful events -in terms of virtual participation- were the Book Fair at the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, and Andicom 2011, with 6.900 and 6.500 hits, respectively.

Bibiana López Acevedo, Executive Director of RENATA stressed the importance that the Colombian NREN has gained within the Colombian academic community; in fact this network currently exceeds the 140 institutions.

López Acevedo emphasized the prospects for 2012: "In addition to the online transmissions, we expect to offer the recording of the sessions, so later those events can be accessed in an 'OnDemand' fashion from the RENATA video library".

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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