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EELA calls for abstract for its Third Conference

The event will take place at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania (Italy) between the 3rd and 5th of December, 2007.

Hosted by the INFN (National Institute o Nuclear Physic) of Catania, Italy, the Third EELA Conference is meant to be an "open conference" devoted to the scientific results attained by EELA, EGEE and all related projects.

The objectives of the event are: present a selection of the most impressive scientific results that have been obtained in the last two years not only by EELA but also by EGEE and the other EGEE "Related Projects"; and discuss the main achievements of the Projects and provide an outlook to the near future with special attention to the issue of the long term sustainability of Regional e-Infrastructures.

For all the interested in send papers to present during the Conference, the call for abstracts is already open at the page

The following topics concerning e-Science and Grid Computing are of interest, but not restrictive:

  • Grid Communities and Applications
    - Culture, Arts and Humanities
    - Biomedical informatics/e-Health
    - Distance and eLearning
    - High Energy Physics
    - Earth Sciences
    - Material Science
    - Astrophysics
    - e-Government
  • e-Infrastructures case studies
    - AAA in a Grid Environment
    - Security Challenges
    - Grid Middleware Interoperability
    - Scientific repositories
    - Grid in Education and Education with/on Grid
    - Grid Portals and Problem Solving Environments
    - Data Access and Management
    - Resource Management and Scheduling
  • e-Infrastructures for Development
    - Ongoing and/or Planned Grid Projects in Europe and the rest of the World
    - Regional, National and/or International Grid Infrastructures Deployment and Operation
    - Long-term sustainability
    - Quality Assurance
    - Public polices
    - Mobile and e-Infrastructures Convergence
    - Industry role and participation

Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 30 September 2007
Notification of acceptance by: 15 October 2007
Camera-ready papers by: 15 November 2007
Conference dates: 3-5 December 2007

For further information, please visit the conference website:

Escrito originalmente por

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyectos en ejecución