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6th NRENs and Grids Workshop

TERENA hosts regular NRENs (National Research an Education Network) and Grids Workshops. The purpose of these one day events (which are open to the NREN and Grid communities) is to bring together members of the NREN community with members of Grid projects in order to understand the common issues for these communities, and to seek agreements and recommendations and discuss and evaluate the implications of Grid Services on network provision. The aim is to reach a common understanding about the likely impact of Grids on NRENs and to be ready to deliver the appropriate services. TERENA has been running the NRENs and Grids workshops since May 2005, and for November (29th-30th) is organizing the sixth edition, that will take place in Malaga, Spain. Escrito originalmente por TERENA

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyectos en ejecución