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INTERACT 2007 Socially Responsabe Interaction

INTERACT 2007, the eleventh IFIP TC13 (Technical Committee No 13 on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)) International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, will highlight to both the academic and industrial world the importance of the Human-Computer Interaction area and its most recent breakthroughs on current applications. In its first edition in Latin America, INTERACT 2007 has socially-responsible interaction as its special theme. Through its many different submission categories, INTERACT 2007 provides a prime opportunity for diverse state-of-the-art approaches to general HCI issues. We welcome both experienced HCI researchers and professionals as well as newcomers to the HCI field. Whether you are interested in designing or evaluating interactive software, developing new interaction technologies, or investigating overarching theories of HCI, INTERACT 2007 will be a great forum for you to interact with people with similar interests, forge collaborations, and learn. Escrito originalmente por Technical Committee No 13 on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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