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20th CCIRN anniversary yields plans for cooperation

More than twenty representatives from four continents attended the meeting, amog them the Executive Director of CLARA, Florencio Utreras.

Concrete plans for collaboration have resulted from this year’s meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking (CCIRN), which took place in Xi’an, China, on Sunday 26 August.

The plans include a shared inventory of trans-oceanic research network connections, cooperation in knowledge transfer and training, and coordination of the production of regional compendia of national research and education networks (NRENs). Further collaboration in multi-domain network performance monitoring will also be investigated.

More than twenty representatives from four continents attended the meeting, which marked two decades of CCIRN activities. In recent years CCIRN has become the common forum of the continent-wide research networking organisations: TERENA (Europe), APAN (Asia-Pacific), CLARA (Latin America), and the combination of Internet2, NLR and CANARIE (North America).

In September, TERENA will publish the seventh edition of its annual compendium of European NRENs, while APAN produced a similar overview of the Asia-Pacific region for the first time in spring 2007, and CLARA is planning its first annual compendium for 2008.


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