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LAC-ACCESS Project published its first newsletter

The LAC-ACCESS Project first newsletter on line is avaiable to all the interested with information about LAC-ACCESS and its activities, about National Contact Points in Latin America and the FP7 Programme.

The first newsletter of the project LAC-ACCESS: Connecting high-quality research between the European Union and Latin American and Caribbean Countries has been published.

The project is funded by the European Union and was approved with the aim to deepen and strengthen the cooperation in investigation and technological innovation between the two regions.

In this newsletter you will find further information about LAC-ACCESS and its activities, about National Contact Points in Latin America, as well as a brief description of the 7th Framework Programme for Research & Development.

Click the following link to download the English newsletter

Escrito originalmente por

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyectos en ejecución