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BELIEF Project invits to answer a survey about e-Infrastructure

As a result of the tremendous influence of e-Infrastructure in the world inside and outside the scientific community, the BELIEF Project designed a survey to understand benefits and obstacles about new technology.

The BELIEF project has developed a survey to understand the drivers and obstacles associated with adopting more sophisticated computing technologies, like High Performance Computing, Grid and the integrated technologies provided by e-Infrastructures.

e-Infrastructures will influence the world, both within and outside the scientific community, by providing global platforms for innovation and business development in a way reminiscent of that of the World Wide Web. e-Infrastructures will seamlessly connect technologies and their components, help in sharing knowledge and best practices, guiding the development of business & industrial applications, and unleashing the tremendous computing potential and storage capabilities of aggregated computing systems.

This survey is designed for businesses and government agencies, as well as R&D departments from industry & research, all of which have much to gain from adopting e-Infrastructures and related technologies. We invite you to take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire ensuring that all questions are answered. All responses will be kept confidential.

The survey link is:


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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyectos en ejecución