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Gelato ICE Itanium Conference & Expo 2007

Gelato ICE: Itanium Conference & Expo is the world's only conference dedicated to Linux on the Intel Itanium processor. The event addresses current issues and collaborative solutions specific to the platform. The Gelato Federation started holding regular meetings in 2002 to discuss advancing the Linux-Itanium platform. With 11 meetings to date, Gelato continues to organize the only event focused on this ecosystem. One goal is education to enable users to maximize the performance of their Itanium systems. Through technically-rich presentations, attendees gain a better understanding of which tools to use and how to use them. The October 2007 Gelato ICE will deliver two full days of an exceptional speaker line-up with 40+ technical presentations throughout six parallel sessions. Attendance is expected to reach over 100, including top Itanium processor scientists, developers, engineers, and end users from around the world. Escrito originalmente por

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyectos en ejecución