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September 22, 2020: Nicaragua starts transferring data via RedCLARA

Nicaragua and Honduras are now connected to RedCLARA. The connection took place on June 10 and August 18 and was succeeded by the start of the testing and sending of IP addresses of member institutions of RUNBA (academic network of Nicaragua) and REDNESAH (Honduran academic network) by BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to the Latin American collaboration network.The Nicaraguan network concluded its process on September 21, allowing the National Agricultural University of Nicaragua (UNA) to transmit data through RedCLARA. This is how the long-awaited reconnection of Nicaragua to the Latin American network was established.


"After a few years of disconnection, Nicaragua is rebuilding its national and international alliances for the digital transformation of education and research in the country", says RUNBA in a statement on its website.

The reconnection takes us back to January 2013, when the completion of the ALICE2 Project marked Nicaragua's disconnection from the network. Since then, RedCLARA has kept intact its efforts to reconnect the country, which were strengthened a few years ago with the creation of RUNBA (Nicaragua's Broadband University Network). RUNBA is a national academic program of the National Council of Universities for Research and Education of Nicaragua that connects, articulates and integrates the universities of the National Council of Universities (CNU) with each other and with the world. This work is performed through the unified electronic management of proprietary and open tools, and a technological infrastructure that contributes to the improvement, effectiveness and competitiveness of the country's scientific and academic production.

"The National Agrarian University is the first member university of RedRUNBA that is using the international outlet of RedCLARA", celebrates RUNBA on its website, adding that "the link is active and available for use by the entire UNA university community".

The statement also acknowledges that the connection "was made possible thanks to the collaboration between CNU, MINED and INATEC, in alliance with ENATREL, to consolidate the National Education and Research Network and connect local and international educational networks with RedCLARA."

For more information please visit RUNBA:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects