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Enlighten Your Research Latin America-Europe: Boosting International Research Cooperation with RedCLARA & GÉANT

Enlighten Your Research Latin America-Europe: Boosting International Research Cooperation with RedCLARA & GÉANT.

Now accepting submissions for the first Enlighten Your Research LatinAmerica2Europe programme – Deadline is November 27, 2019.

Are you interested in incorporating open science platforms, high performance computing, data storage data transfer tools, and/or trust and identity services into your research process?

Are you a researcher in Latin America looking to collaborate with European research institutions or European universities? Or are you a European researcher aiming to collaborate with research institutions in Latin America?

We invite you to submit a project proposal to the first Enlighten Your Research programme focusing on collaborations between Latin America and Europe, called EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe.

Enlighten Your Research (EYR) is a programme designed to increase the use and awareness of e-infrastructure resources in various fields of research. The goal of this new EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe is to provide access and support for network, compute, storage and trust and identity resources to meet the growing data and collaboration needs of research. It also aims to inspire new and understand existing collaborations between Latin America and Europe.

You can learn more about examples of past EYR projects in other world regions at:

This programme is organised by two of the world’s leading regional research and education networks the world, RedCLARA and GÉANT, to foster international collaborations and to accelerate the research and discovery process. It also enjoys the support of National Research and Education Networks in Latin

America and Europe. To further promote the benefits of data communications networks to researchers through this international programme, we are challenging researchers to stretch the boundaries of their science and collaborate with other countries to perform experiments enabled by the research and education network infrastructure, services and support.

Who are we looking for?

All researchers from any discipline are invited to submit a proposal, including but not exclusively:

  • Astronomy
  • Biodiversity and crop research
  • Climate research
  • Development goals
  • Earth sciences
  • Genomic research
  • Health, medicine and telemedicine
  • High energy physics
  • Instrumentation
  • The arts and humanities

The programme is open to all ranges of research teams - from novice to expert in the use of information technology - to support their projects.

We kindly ask you to submit a proposal if you are a researcher who:

  1. Is collaborating or aims to collaborate in a joint research project with Latin American and European researchers;
  2. Requires access to advanced networks and compute and data storage facilities, including cloud services;
  3. Can benefit from collaboration with engineers and (support) experts to improve your research workflow.

How can you submit?

The submission for an EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe proposal is light-weight and will close on 27 November 2019.

The first proposal is submitted electronically by answering the following questions in an online form:

  • What is your primary research objective?
  • Do you need to collaborate with other researchers in different countries?
  • Presently, what technology do you use in your research in terms of computing, storage and networking (internet services)?
  • What collaboration tools and platforms do you use to communicate with your collaborators?
  • Do you need to share data or collaboration platforms with colleagues at other institutions and/or in other countries?
  • In the next 1-2 years, what technology (in terms of computing, storage and networking) could you use to accelerate your research

The First Submission Proposal can be completed online here: We request that all submissions are made in English.

If your project proposal is accepted, you will receive a final proposal template which has to be filled out by you (the main applicant) and your collaborators.

What are the benefits?

Example infrastructure services and resources that are made available through EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe include (but are not limited to):

  • High Performance Computing (HPC) resources in collaboration with RICAP (Iberian-American Network for High Performance Computing).
  • Access to European Research results using Open Science publications and datasets (OpenAIRE).
  • Network services for resource-demanding research projects and long-distance collaboration.
  • Technical support for identity service deployments (IdP, integration into national Identity Federations, etc.)
  • Cloud resources for collaborative projects across borders.

Depending on their needs, the final selected projects for EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe will receive support in one or more of the following areas:

  • Connections to e-infrastructure resources in Europe and Latin America through collaborations with universities and research institutes.
  • Commitment to an agreed level of resource provisioning and support for one year.
  • Support and advice on the use of network services and end-to-end network connectivity.
  • Support and advice on the deployment and use of trust and identity services to enable improved access to collaboration services and tools.
  • Support for attendance of one representative of successful proposals at TICAL2020.

If your final proposal is selected for the EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe programme, a representative of the Latin American partner will be invited to attend the RedCLARA’s TICAL2020 conference to present your research project at this conference. TICAL is RedCLARA’s annual conference for ICT directors of Latin American universities and the Latin American NREN community.

Need help finding international collaborators?

There are many organisations in Europe seeking or willing to collaborate! Send us an email before the submission deadline at  and we may be able to help find the right collaborators.

Important dates



Monday, 28 October 2019

Call for Participation opens for 1st round proposals

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Deadline for 1st round proposals submissions

Friday, 10 January 2019 (seven weeks)

Notification of 1st round proposals are sent via e-mail

January/February 2019

Consultation meetings with researchers and experts will be held

Friday, 13 March 2020

Final proposals are due

Friday, 3 April 2020

Awarded proposals are announced

April 2020 – April 2021 (one year)

Awarded projects are implemented

At TICAL2020 (September 2020)

Awarded proposals are presented at TICAL2020

If you have any questions, please contact

Organising and Supporting Partners

The EYR-LatinAmerica2Europe organising partners include RedCLARA and GÉANT with support from NRENs in Latin America and Europe, RICAP and OpenAIRE.

RedCLARA is the Latin American Research and Education Network, regional leader and promotor of collaboration and development in education, science and innovation, by means of its e-infrastructure and services tailored for its community needs. RedCLARA provides regional interconnections and connections to the world through its international links and promotes the development of tools, services and research projects to empower regional scientific and educational development and the collaboration within Latin American R&E institutions and of Latin America and the rest of the world with an important focus on less developed regions.

For more information, visit

GÉANT is Europe’s leading collaboration on network and related infrastructure and services for the benefit of research and education, contributing to Europe's economic growth and competitiveness. The organisation develops, delivers and promotes advanced network and associated e-infrastructure services, and supports innovation and knowledge-sharing amongst its members, partners and the wider research and education networking community.

For more information, visit



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