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Participate in the Co-Afina 2022 Hackaton, by LA-CoNGA physics

With the aim of improving the understanding of global problems through the use of data, the Co-Afina 2022 hackathon will be held between March and May 2022. It is a creative initiative promoted by LA-CoNGA Physics and supported by RedCLARA, in which university students of Latin America will collaboratively develop solutions to solve problems related to scientific and educational issues with social impact.

The hackathon will be divided into three phases. In the first one (March 2022), industrial partners and professional networks, foundations, universities, researchers will be invited to become challengers and present problems with an impact in Latin America on pre-defined themes. Once these challenges are defined, in the second phase (March-April 2022) Latin American students will be invited to register and participate in a collaborative environment. In this phase we will make a progressive presentation, lectures and seminars on the defined challenges.

The third and final stage of the Hackathon will take place over three days in May 2022. On this occasion, those enrolled in the Co-Afina 2022 hackathon will form a team and seek solutions, using the available data. The teams will be made up of students from different courses from different countries. All activities will be done remotely.

Co-Afina 2022 will focus on science and higher education issues, with an agenda that brings together interests related to the new university, namely Open Science, Citizen Science, Educational Initiatives, Shared Infrastructure and Social Impact of Science.

The period for registration and submission of proposals is now open. For more information, visit https://laconga.redclara.net/hackathon/



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyetos em execução