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EELA open the registration for the next three tutorials

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All the interested in participate must register as soon as posible. The registration is free of charge.

EELA is pleased to announce that the registration for the next 3 EELA tutorials are already opened.
The Tutorial are:

11th Tutorial (for Users and System Administrators)
Date and place: 10-14 September - Seville, Spain
Register at: http://www.irisgrid.es/tutorial3/registro/

12th Tutorial (for Users and System Administrators)
Date and place: 24-28 September - Lima, Peru
Register at: http://indico.eu-eela.org/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py/display?confId=98

Curso sobre Tecnologías GRID aplicadas al Clima y a la Biomedicina
Date and place: 18-19 October - La Antigua, Guatemala
Register at: http://indico.eu-eela.org/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py/display?confId=102

A limited number of seats are available. Registration is free of charge.

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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Proyetos em execução